航空航天 & 航空
拥有三个新的尖端主力租户设施,其第二阶段的发展正在进行中, the Houston Spaceport has undergone a full transformation since the city first vowed to reshape Ellington Airport into an aerospace hub in 2015.
In 2018, the Houston City Council approved nearly $20 million in funding for infrastructure development at the Spaceport, 标志着一个大型多阶段扩建项目的开始. 让Hga010皇冠软件下载来看看太空港的变革之旅,以及Hga010皇冠软件下载今天所处的位置.
休斯顿航天港扩建的第一阶段, 2019年竣工, 包括街道建设, 公用事业、分销和通讯设施.
休斯顿机场系统后来拨款高达105美元.600万美元用于资助三家领先的航空航天公司的建设, 包括直觉机器. The three-time NASA Contract winner recently made history with its 11月a-C lander Odysseus becoming the first U.S. 自阿波罗号之后,再没有航天器登陆月球.
去年,直觉机器公司斥资4000万美元在休斯顿航天港开设了月球操作中心. 跨越12.5英亩, 新中心包括125人,000 square feet of office and production space that will be dedicated to the company’s lunar program and the manufacturing of lunar landers and spacecraft.
The center also offers unique technologies and infrastructure including “mission control rooms to track and manage lunar missions, 一个推进测试设施,用于评估月球着陆器发动机的能力和一个3,800平方英尺的火焰范围测试设备,直觉机器公司说.
“休斯顿一直是一座能摘到星星的城市, 以及休斯顿航天港的直觉机器公司, Hga010皇冠软件下载的城市将在宇宙中更加闪耀,市长西尔威斯特·特纳说. “航空航天 is more than a source of pride for our city; the innovation here is just another example of why the Houston economy is thriving. 直觉机器公司正在催生高薪工作, 培养创新, 吸引来自世界各地的人才和投资.”
Intuitive Machines最近获得了2美元奖金.从美国国家航空航天局获得400万美元,与华盛顿特区合作.C.-based Zeno Power to create a Radioisotope Power System for astronauts travelling to the moon during its lunar night cycle.
In 2022, 商业航天领导者, Axiom空间, 在航天港22英亩的太空飞行和组装总部破土动工. 新总部将致力于发展公理空间站, 被称为世界上第一个商业空间站.
这个开创性的园区还将支持宇航员训练,并设有任务控制设施, 测试实验室, 和一个高海湾生产设施, 据Axiom空间报道.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held in December 2023 to officially open the first phase of the development.
Axiom空间也获得了NASA的几份合同, including a spacesuit task order to advance the Artemis III lunar spacesuit design for International Space Station (ISS) spacewalking capabilities in low Earth orbit.
The new facility focuses on the development and testing of the company’s NASA task order next-generation spacesuit for astronauts to wear while working outside the ISS and on the moon, 以及柯林斯的通用废物管理系统和垃圾压实机, 据公司介绍.
另外, 10,000平方英尺的新设施专门用于休斯敦的第一个航天孵化器, 这使得创业公司, 工业专业人士和大学合作推进航空航天技术和探索.
三家主播公司预计将带来多达1家,在未来十年,该地区将创造800个就业机会,并创造价值40亿美元的合同工作, 休斯敦航天港主任阿图罗·马楚卡说.
航天港的第一阶段还包括2021年圣哈辛托学院EDGE中心的开放, a 154-acre development offering aerospace training and programs that will drive promising pathways to careers in the industry.
"This is where the next chapter of the rivalry to space will be written by the minds and hands of Houstonians for generations to come,休斯顿机场系统主管马里奥·迪亚兹在新闻发布会上说. “The talent who will learn how to build toward the future of space exploration starts right here at the EDGE Center."
预计将在未来12至18个月内破土动工, the second phase will span 300 acres and include major additions to its infrastructure including a full-length taxiway along Runway 4-22, 在太空港的西北部, 根据社区影响. The new taxiway will allow aircraft to take off and land right next to the spaceport’s anchor companies.
Other infrastructure projects include the construction of a road that runs through the middle of the spaceport, diverting traffic from Space Center Boulevard through the spaceport and connect to Highway 3 and space for hotel, 餐饮及零售发展.
根据社区影响, 第二阶段包括建立航空航天研究所, EDGE中心的扩展, 将高等教育机构及其学生与航空航天工业联系起来.
航空航天学院将包括当地的大学, 包括德州南方大学(TSU), 谁最近宣布在太空港新建一个两英亩的训练设施, and further bolster the region’s future workforce by helping students develop crucial skills needed in the industry.
一旦完成, TSU plans to migrate their 航空 Management programs to this institute to help seamlessly translate their graduates into the 航空航天 Industry workforce.
了解更多关于 Houston’s aerospace industry and the Houston Spaceport during the Partnership’s Future of Space event on Thursday, 11月. 7.